Seminar input guidelines
(Status February 01, 2023)
Guiding principle
The platform provides interested people with an overview and direct registration options for seminars that are recognised in the RCI's TCI training. Other TCI events, meetings and exchanges can also be advertised on the "Marketplace" (cf. conditions of publication on “Marketplace”).
In the European area, most seminars are held in German or Dutch. English or bilingual offers are very welcome. If the corresponding tick is set in the seminar entry, everything can be entered bilingually. Please mention the special language setting explicitly in the seminar description if the seminar will be held exclusively in English or bilingually.
Insertion fees
The insertion fees for training seminars is already paid for the years 2022 and 2023 by the graduates annual fee. Additional fees will not be charged. This also applies to the trainers' profiles and to marketplace entries.
Seminar offers for the current year can be uploaded at any time (activation takes place approx. 3 weeks after entering the complete data).
The entry of seminars for the following year starts in May of each year. The seminars should be entered by July 10th . All entered seminar offers for the following year will be activated at the same time (on August 20th). After that date, new seminar offers for the current and the following year can be entered at any time.
Seminar announcements for several years in advance will not be activated.
Data entry
TCI instructors enter their seminar data via a registration mask. The registration mask is available by the link plus password. If not already known, the user name and the password can be obtained from the RCI Office. To avoid formatting problems, please do not copy any texts from PDF files and transfer them to the mask. Use only texts from generally known text processing files (Word etc.) or txt files. The entry of the new seminar offer can only be finished if all mandatory fields (*) have been filled in.
Data size
The seminar heading is limited to 100 characters including spaces. The text itself is limited to 5000 characters. Please take into consideration that the first lines of the seminar description/text appear on the overview page of the platform. These lines/words should therefore create curiosity and interest in the reader.
Seminar participation fees
The providers set their own seminar prices. They decide on the amount of the reduction for RCI members and independently transfer the associated amounts to their respective region. It is up to them whether and to what extent early booking discounts are granted (e.g. for 2021 the proposal was 20%). The so-called “5-euro levy” per day and participating person to the RCI has to be considered additionally in the calculation. It is currently levied and paid after the seminar has taken place. All prices published on the platform are gross prices, i.e. VAT must already be included (if applicable). The providers then show the VAT rate (applicable to the national law of their offer) separately in their invoices.
Leaders profile
In addition to the seminar entry, a personal profile entry will be added to the list of TCI instructors. This entry is free of charge. Those who are already in the directory due to a previous year's offer do not need to do anything further. Instructors with a contract with RCI international who do not offer a seminar but still wish to be included in the directory can also do so. For this purpose and in case of new entries, please send an email to the RCI office: (with cc to beratung [ät]
Please attach a picture file (Important: Please include the name of the instructor in the file name!) of a portrait picture and the following additional information:
- Full name
- Professional profile in keywords
- A Credo - a key phrase or motto - is optional but highly recommended.
- Address, telephone number, e-mail address and website (if available)
- Specification of a total of max. 5 keywords for the search function from the options: Economy, Theology, School, University, Webinars, Politics, Ecology, Social, Leadership, Organisational Development, Spirituality, Therapy, Art, Supervision, Conflict, Coaching, Counselling.